Spide UI - Fastest and Modern Blogger Templates | Free Download

Spide UI - Fastest and Modern Blogger Templates | Free Download

Spide UI is a Blogger template redesigned based on Vaibhav Bhoot Median UI, modified and added with necessary features for a personal blog. Spide UI remains a clean and fast-loading template, making it one of the best blogger templates. Its simpler design with high readability is a plus point for this template.

If you are looking for a suitable template for a news blog or a personal blog, Spide UI is also a valuable and most suitable choice currently.

Spide UI

Features of Spide UI Template

Features Availability
Mobile Responsive Yes
Schema Markup Yes
SEO Friendly Yes
Ads Ready Yes
Fast Loading Yes
New Featured Post Yes
Shortcode Support No
Auto Read More With Thumbnail Yes
Error 404 Yes
Responsive Footer Yes
Social Follow Button Yes
Multi Drop Down Yes
Search Widget Yes
Related Posts With Thumbnail Yes
Social Share Button Yes
Email News Letter Widget Yes
Recent Post Widget Yes
Detailed Documentation Yes
Best Responsive Menu And Layout Yes

Some Advanced Features

Spide UI with many advanced features makes this template unique.

Below are some notable advanced features of Spide UI.

  1. Realtime Views: Real-time view counter on posts, Plus UI v2.6 uses Firebase Database to store view counts.
  2. Maintenance Mode: Maintenance feature, when enabled, users will receive a maintenance notification. Admin will not see this notification for convenient interface upgrades.
  3. Quick Edit: When Admin accesses the Blog page, quick edit buttons will appear for convenient editing.
  4. Bookmark Posts: This feature allows users to bookmark notable posts, which will be deleted if the user clears cache or cookies.
  5. System Default Mode: This feature will change the Dark Mode according to the device's interface mode, whether it is Dark Mode or Light Mode.
  6. Theme Color: Let your visitors choose their favorite Theme Color for your Blog. You can set 10 Theme Colors of your desired colors.
  7. Music Player: Music player feature, I also have a guide post Create a music player using JavaScript you can refer to.
  8. Countdown Download Box: Download button with countdown.
  9. Anti Ad-Blocker: Notify users using ad-blocker.
  10. Cookie Consent: Notify users that Blog uses Cookies to store information.
  11. Country Block: Block users from a specific country.
  12. No Internet Connection: Notify users when they lose internet connection.
  13. Google Translate: Google Translate helps users from different countries.
  14. Safelink: Increase your Blog's traffic with the Safelink feature.
  15. Article Rating: Allows users to rate your content.

Above are some advanced features of the template and information about the template. Next, let's move on to how to download and use the template.

Demo and Download


To receive the Spide UI template, please leave your Email address in the comments section below, and I will send the template to your Email as soon as possible.


The Spide UI version I share will have all JavaScript code encrypted. If you want an unencrypted version, please contact me separately. If you have any issues, please comment us!

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